When people in Oklahoma seek medical care, they expect professionalism from their doctors and nurses. At minimum, they want to ensure that they receive an appropriate diagnosis for their condition so that the best treatment plan can be put into place. One condition...
The Attorneys You Need When It Matters Most
Month: November 2016
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A lump may not be the first sign of breast cancer
Most Oklahoma women are aware that finding a breast lump could be a sign of breast cancer. While not all lumps are cancerous, it is still important to visit a doctor right away if one is detected. What some people don't know is that breast cancer can present itself in...
Oklahoma TBI victims
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.5 million Americans experience a traumatic brain injury each year. Most TBIs are caused in automobile, motorcycle or bicycle crashes, and they can have long-term effects. It is important that...