Oklahoma residents who may suffer from brain injuries might be interested in promising new research that could lead to new therapies. Neuron cells from the central nervous system, unlike most other cells, do not regenerate, making many brain injuries permanent. However, researchers may have discovered hope through experimentation.
Researchers at the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center have been able to successfully mimic the effects of a traumatic brain injury on neuron cells. In the study, neuron stem cells were exposed to large levels of glutamate, a chemical released in the brain after concussions. The glutamate left the cells in a similar state as brain tissue after a concussive injury. Researchers then attempted to stimulate recovery in the cells by delivering electronic impulses designed to disrupt the post-injury pattern of the cells, which adopt a synchronous pattern researchers were able to monitor using specialized equipment. As a result, the cells within the petri dish demonstrated growth and recovery.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved a device for experimental treatment of Parkinson’s disease that uses deep brain electrical stimulation. The Georgia researchers are hopeful that the current findings, which were recently published, will lead to improvements in therapy for individuals such as veterans and accident victims who suffer from traumatic brain injuries. The hope is to eventually provide a wearable device providing controlled and focused electronic impulses to assist victims of traumatic brain injuries in resuming activities of normal daily living to the highest extent possible.
Whenever an accident leaves someone with a serious injury, it can be difficult for loved ones to move forward in regard to treatment options and possible litigation. However, a qualified brain injury lawyer can help families make informed decisions in the aftermath of a serious personal injury accident.