About Birth Injury Lawsuits
The process of giving birth to a child is one that requires constant monitoring and the ability to take rapid action should medical intervention become necessary. When the medical team that is assisting with a birth fails to provide the appropriate care, both the child and the mother could face disastrous consequences. Less than effective prenatal care can also lead to issues as complicating conditions may go undetected until it is too late to do anything to treat the issue.
Our firm assists those looking to create accountability for the injuries their children suffered during delivery, including:
- Cerebral palsy
- Erb’s palsy
- Shoulder dystocia or brachial plexus
- Cephalohematoma, or bleeding in the fetus’s brain
- Infections
We also take legal action in cases resulting in maternal death or serious harm to the mother caused by substandard obstetrical practices.
Was Something Wrong With Your Delivery?
When birth injuries impact infants, they can be difficult to detect for quite some time. A child’s parents may not realize anything is wrong until the child begins to miss developmental milestones. If you are concerned or your child has been diagnosed with a condition that could have been caused by a birth injury, our firm can help you investigate the matter and pursue maximum compensation.
Helping Your Child Meet Future Medical Needs
Many birth injuries can cause conditions that will affect a child’s health for the rest of his or her life. By pursuing compensation now, you can ensure that your child has access to the medical and financial resources necessary to meet his or her unique needs.
The Advocates You Need At A Critical Time
At Zelbst, Holmes & Butler, our firm is committed to helping the parents of children who were injured during the delivery process as they pursue justice for their child. We have a nationwide reputation for creating positive results and the strength to be able to help our clients secure the best possible resolutions in the most complex and challenging cases. With more than 70 years of combined experience and a track record that includes winning the largest personal injury jury verdict in Oklahoma history, $24 million, and the largest federal court judge verdict in Oklahoma, $7 million. Our attorneys can provide the medical malpractice advocacy that you need after a birth injury.
Birth Injury Lawyers Active Throughout Oklahoma
If you or your child was injured during substandard medical care during pregnancy or the delivery of your child, we encourage you to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys today. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 580-713-4124 or contact us online.
We only collect attorney fees if we secure compensation for you.