Personal Injury Claims For Burns And Smoke Inhalation Injuries
Burns are some of the most terrible types of injuries a person can suffer. Some of the issues that differentiate burns from other types of injuries include:
- Persistent pain
- Smoke inhalation injuries
- Difficulty of recovery
- The physical and emotional impact of scarring
- Ongoing health concerns such as the potential for infection
Burns require specialized care. That care can be extremely costly. The immediate and long-term costs of the medical care someone may need can create serious financial difficulties in even the most economically stable household. Pain and suffering are substantial.
Ensuring that you are fully compensated for your injuries can require working with skilled and experienced attorneys who understand how to build strong cases for burn victims.
Did Your Burn Injury Happen On The Job?
For workers who were injured on the job, workers’ compensation is often the only available means of pursuing compensation. For those injured by the actions of a third party or by a dangerous product used on the job, we can help build what is known as a third-party claim for your burn injuries.
When Children Suffer Burn Injuries
When children have been seriously burned in an accident, they face unique difficulties. As hard as it is for adults to learn to live with significant scarring, the impact on children can be devastating. Living with visible scarring and accompanying social stigma can cause serious emotional damage for children. Additional plastic surgery may be necessary at later stages of development. Your attorney needs to communicate the full impact of the injuries on your child’s life persuasively to the jury.
On Your Side You Need When You Need Trustworthy Advocacy
At Zelbst, Holmes & Butler, we understand the full scope of issues that burn victims face and we use that knowledge and our decades of experience to present strong, comprehensive cases that are able to truly help our clients. We know what is at stake for those who have suffered burn injuries and we are committed to helping them secure the full compensation they deserve to help them rebuild their lives. Our firm has won the largest personal injury jury verdict in Oklahoma history, $24 million, and the largest federal court judge verdict in Oklahoma, $7 million. Results like these have helped us earn a nationwide reputation for excellence of which we are very proud.
Hope For People Who Have Been Burned
If you have suffered a serious burn injury, you may have a long road before you. Discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys based in Lawton, Oklahoma. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 580-713-4124 or contact us online.
We only collect attorney fees if we secure compensation for you.