Oklahoma women who are diagnosed with breast cancer are sometimes given a breast MRI before surgery. Breast MRIs are used to help surgeons gain a more accurate understanding of the shape, size and location of the tumor that they are going to remove. These MRIs are...
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Month: June 2016
IV protocol standardization coming
Although there are many types of medication errors that an Oklahoma patient could endure, consistency in medical standards and protocols can help in minimizing these situations. Pharmacies, for example, may use databases and alert systems to avoid dispensing...
Brain injury study scheduled to begin
Oklahoma patients who suffered repeated hits to the head may be interested to learn that a study has been planned to prevent irreversible brain damage caused by chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Brain scans and biomarkers from 240 men will be studied. Half of the...
Falling fatality rates in Oklahoma buck national trend
A report released by the National Safety Council revealed that Oklahoma was one of only 14 states that showed a decrease in road deaths during the first six months of 2015 compared with the same period in 2014. A decrease was also observed in the District of Columbia....