Getting into a car accident in Oklahoma can be very stressful. Remaining calm and trying to stay focused will be helpful whether you're at fault or not. What steps should you take after a car accident? Accidents happen even to cautious drivers. While you might feel...
The Attorneys You Need When It Matters Most
Month: December 2020
Truck accidents: What evidence do you need?
The heaviest vehicle on the Oklahoma road is the semi-truck, so it is no surprise why there is such a high number of accidents between these trucks and civilian vehicles. Although semi-truck accidents usually occur due to impatient passenger vehicle drivers, the fault...
Items you should never purchase online
Over the years, more brick-and-mortar stores in Oklahoma and around the nation are taking their business online. It is often more convenient to purchase items online rather than in person, but should you really purchase everything over the internet? According to the...
Holiday travel poses risks, but many are avoidable
The holiday season brings with it increased traffic on streets and highways throughout Oklahoma. Sadly, distracted driving, drunk driving and other dangerous behaviors are part of this mix. While dangers are prevalent, taking a few commonsense precautions can decrease...