Oklahoma residents may trust that their doctors will properly diagnose their medical conditions accurately and in a timely manner. However, a study from the University of Ottawa suggests that up to one-third of all asthma patients have been misdiagnosed. As a...
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Month: January 2017
Malpractice laws and surgical complications
Doctors are often sued for malpractice if they commit surgical errors. However, Oklahoma residents who have to undergo a surgical procedure should be aware that according to a study, a climate in which malpractice suits are aggressively pursued does not actually...
American Cancer Society reports a decline in cancer deaths
The American Cancer Society has good news for people in Oklahoma and across the United States: Cancer death rates have fallen by 25 percent since 1991. The ACS says that less smoking and improved screenings for cancer have helped and that to continue on this track,...
RNs are better at spotting medication discrepancies
Nursing homes in Oklahoma and around the country generally assign registered nurses and licensed practical nurses the same kind of duties, but researchers from the Sinclair School of Nursing at the University of Missouri believe that they should be given tasks to...
NHTSA proposes new technology to curb distracted driving
Oklahoma is one of many states that bans texting while driving. Despite tougher laws against driver distractions involving cell phones, the problem still exists. In response, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants cell phone makers to develop...