There are many ways drivers in Oklahoma can help prevent car accidents, including following several safety tips that are known to decrease the chances of crashing. Even though most car accidents are preventable, car accidents are the leading cause of death for many people in the United States. Drivers who obey traffic laws, stay alert and avoid negligent driving actively make the roadways safer for everyone.
One way everyone can practice safe driving is adhering to traffic laws. Speeding, running red lights and failing to yield are all risky decisions that can easily lead to a car accident. Driving under the influence is another glaring example of negligent driving and results in many fatal car accidents. Drivers who have had too much to drink should consider calling a cab or ridesharing service and returning for their vehicles later. This is also true of drivers who are struggling to stay awake.
While it may not prevent accidents, wearing a seat belt goes a long way toward safety in the event of a car accident. Everyone in a vehicle should be wearing a seat belt and sitting upright to ensure the belt will not fail when it is needed. This also helps ensure the airbags will provide adequate protection instead of adding to injuries.
Finally, drivers should always make sure their vehicles are visible to others on the road. Headlights should be on whenever there is inclement weather, or when it is dark outside. Prior to heading out onto the road, all drivers should check to make sure their headlights are in working condition.
If someone is involved in an accident that results in injury, he or she might consider a consultation with an attorney who has experience in car accidents. A qualified attorney may be able to help the victim seek compensation such as lost wages and medical expenses.